Certifications Recognitions Accreditations

Philips University recognition

Recognition by State Agencies

The Philips University is licensed and recognized by the Republic of Cyprus, after institutional, departmental and program evaluation and certification by the Higher Education Quality Assurance Body (D.I.P.A.E.) of Cyprus.

In addition, all our degrees are recognized by KY.S.A.T.S. which is the competent body of the Republic of Cyprus for the academic recognition of degrees awarded by recognized institutions of higher or higher education or by assessed - certified study programs.

In 2021, the Interuniversity Organization for the Recognition of Academic Titles and Information (D.O.A.T.A.P.) of Greece recognized Philips University as Equivalent to Greek Universities. To validate the above, those interested can refer to the official websites of the agencies:

European Commission

In addition to the recognition that Philips University has in Greece and Cyprus from the respective Government Bodies and other international bodies and associations that demonstrate the high quality of its educational services, it is worth mentioning that it was awarded the ECTS Label in 2021 by the European Commission and Diploma Supplement Label, establishing it at European Level.

Global recognition

Philips University, in addition to the above, is also internationally recognized as a Higher Education Institution by other countries both in Europe and around the world.

Recognition by Professional Bodies

His degrees provided Philips University, in addition to the recognition they have at the Academic Level in Greece, Cyprus and Internationally, they are also recognized by a number of professional associations. The recognition of professional rights is therefore equally important, since graduates can practice the corresponding profession based on this.


The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales

United Kingdom


The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants

United Kingdom


The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants

United Kingdom


The Association of International Accountants

United Kingdom


The Institute of Certified Public Accountants



The Chartered Institute of Insurance

United Kingdom


The Chartered Institute for Public Relations

United Kingdom


The Institution of Analysts and Programmers

United Kingdom


The Chartered Management Institute

United Kingdom


Economic Chamber of Greece



Certified Practicing Accountants


The importance of these recognitions is indicatively presented below:

   Association of International Accountants (AIA) : Graduates from the Accounting & Finance and Business Administration programs are exempt from 12 of the 16 AIA papers.

  Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) : Graduates from the Accounting & Finance and Business Administration programs are exempt from 9 and 8 of the 14 ACCA papers respectively.

    Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales (ICAEW) : Graduates of the Accounting & Finance program are exempt from 8 of the 15 ICAEW (Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales) papers.

Cooperation E.K.P.A. Philips University

The collusion between him National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (E.K.P.A.) and his Philips University of Cyprus was sealed with the signing of a Memorandum of Cooperation in July 2022 with a five-year duration. E.K.P.A., with its prestige and dedication to academic excellence as one of the oldest
academic institutions of Greece and Philips University, with the many years of experience and expertise of its educational staff, join forces for the benefit of the Education Community with the aim of mutual contacts and collaborations between members of the academic and other staff, students and external partners in any kind of research or educational projects, workshops and programs, through the exchange of visits with the aim of implementing joint scientific, research, educational and cultural activities.

Through the Founding Declaration of the two universities, cooperation is further strengthened both at the academic and international level. At the same time, the joining forces of the E.K.P.A. and Philips University put education on a continuous upward trajectory that aims to lay the foundations for further development in the research field and in the field of teaching, but also to prepare the professionals of tomorrow who will have the necessary supplies for the job market .

His vote of confidence National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (E.K.P.A.) in the Philips University of Cyprus it is also recognition for the high level of education available to the Cypriot educational institution and the country's education system in general. Through this collaboration, the students of the two academic institutions can enjoy high-level services and
to contribute to the quality of academic excellence provided, through their participation in national and pan-European research programs.

Memorandums of Cooperation

See more about the Partnership by clicking HERE