Distance learning at Philips University

Remote Community


Welcome to the Philips University Distance learning community. The Distance Learning Center (DLC) as well as the Study and Student Care Service welcome you to a new learning experience.


The Distance Learning Center (DLC) and the Study and Student Care Service have been created to provide you with a range of support services and contribute to the successful completion of studies through a friendly environment that promotes the knowledge and participation of all students.


Philips University has designed its Distance Learning programs in such a way that students receive the same quality services as students in conventional Lifetime Programs. In our focus is the student for this and the learning environment has been developed based on this principle so that it can offer all the benefits of a quality University Education. This short distance learning study guide has been developed precisely to provide all the necessary information until graduation, without this replacing the immediacy of communication between us and the role of administrative officers who will always be next to the student as a throughout the studies.




Eleni Konstantinou

Director of Studies and Student Care Service