Distance learning DLC

Distance learning at Philips University: Everything you need to know

    His remote programs Philips University it is the most flexible form of training since physical presence is not required and thus you can adjust your program as you wish.

    The course takes place through the Moodle online training platform and also through the Microsoft Teams platform. His platform Philips University is an important tool for distance learning, and the Technical Support Department ensures seamless and unobtrusive help and support throughout the course. By enrolling in one of its distance learning programs Philips University the Department will provide you with the user and access codes (username and password) for the University's online education platform, where you will gain access to all online services.

    On the platform you can find the material of each course (e.g. books, readings, bibliographic references, presentations, etc.), the curriculum, including the lessons per week as well as the assignment mechanisms. Also, the platform provides detailed user guides for each service (synchronous and asynchronous communication)

Recognized by D.O.A.T.A.P.
9 Distance Learning Programs
Distance learning Bachelor in Accounting & Finance
Master's Degree in Pedagogy & Teaching Proficiency in collaboration with the National Kapodistrian University of Athens - E.K.P.A.
8 Masters and MBA

The Role of the Distance Learning Center of Philips University

    Its Distance Learning Center Philips University is one of the most important Centers of Learning and Educational Excellence of the University. The Center was created during the early stages of the University's operation and strengthened during the pandemic in 2019 in order to continue to provide students with a high-level education.

    The Center is a continuation of the academic Departments of the University and is an integral part of the academic Community, while it is part of the Distance Learning Committee and is under the supervision of the Senate. In close collaboration with the Technical Support Department, the Center ensures seamless and smooth access for distance students to all the University's electronic services throughout their studies so that the services provided are on a par with those of students enrolled in lifelong programs.

    All the staff of both the Center and the University remain at the disposal of distance students every step of the way, making sure they enjoy all the services provided by new technology and modern teaching methods. The staff of the Center is highly trained and has extensive experience in modern teaching methods both in real life and in a distance learning environment. Thus, students are sure of the orderly operation of the study program and the services provided by the Philips University.

Implementation of distance learning

      Philips University as a modern, European university invests in distance education through a pedagogical framework that is on par with international standards. Included in this context are all the modern international trends and research developments that govern distance learning defined by the European Union, but also the competent bodies of Greece and Cyprus and related to distance education. According to international standards, distance education at Philips University is based on three main axes: 

A. In Education with online guidance and learning materials, where on the Moodle platform students are provided with all the educational material and instructions for its use. It is also given in addition to the mandatory bibliography and optional for further development and practice of the student. The material is provided digitally in E-Book format, but there is also corresponding multimedia material with video presentations, etc.

B. In the Interaction between teachers and students as well as between students, where activities that promote communication and dialogue and promote learning are developed weekly on the Moodle platform.

C. In the evaluation of students, where they are confronted beyond the final assessment and with tasks of all kinds in order to develop a continuous and formative assessment.

Training with online coaching and learning materials

 Through guided education, the student comes into direct contact with the taught subject and can clarify the concepts and principles that govern each course. Each lesson is structured through activities that promote the study of the material. The students have the material on the Moodle Platform structured in weekly modules where every week they come into contact with a new module. The training material includes E-Books, excerpts and synopses of teaching manuals, presentations, chapters from volumes, scientific articles, conference proceedings, research, scientific journals, video courses, educational material from open resources, teachers' notes and many other sources. Anything related to the required bibliography is posted on the Moodle platform following relevant copyright permissions. On the contrary, in the optional bibliography, the student is provided with a list of links, open access resources (OERs), book titles, etc., where in the event that he wishes to deepen his knowledge, he can locate the material from external sources and factors. Another very important element in guided learning is the recording of the teachers' teleconferences with their audience, where the student from the very next day can watch the teleconference whenever and as many times as he wishes.
       In general, in addition to classic readings, the University, true to its principles and innovation, provides rich multimedia material to students with video courses, interactive presentations, audio presentations, virtual learning classes, etc. harmonized with modern teaching standards. The training material in each academic year is enriched and revised so that it is always up-to-date. Finally, all courses at Philips University are designed in a way that further non-compulsory and independent study of the student is also promoted. The purpose of this is to be able to those students who wish to deepen the knowledge and therefore the teachers create activities with the aim of leading the students to an interaction and develop their innate curiosity to delve further.

Continuous Online Interaction and Evaluation

    At Philips University, special emphasis is also placed on the interaction of all involved members with learning (teachers and learners) promoting communication, dialogue and collaboration. In each course there are weekly activities that are not all the subject of continuous assessment but are designed with a view to interaction, communication, discussion between students on topics defined by the teachers in order to develop a fruitful critique that will highlight the grade understanding of course concepts. Furthermore, there are group activities aimed at developing cooperative learning. In the Teleconferences, the lecturers, in addition to the classical explanation of the educational material, aim to develop acquaintance, communication, the exchange of opinions between the students and at the same time to develop certain activities of an experiential nature. Conference calls usually last between 90 and 120 minutes every 3 to 4 weeks. In addition to the video conferences on the Moodle platform, activities are developed to solve questions, Forum Discussions and Participation Questions with the aim of having critical comments and personal positioning on specific issues as defined by the teachers. Also, blogs, wikis etc. are being developed. with the aim of enabling students to collaborate on the course and develop their argumentation and feed back into the discussion, effectively participating in a learning community.

     Student evaluation is continuous but also final as defined in the evaluation and examination policy. The final evaluation is carried out through the Moodle platform with open and closed type questions as defined by each teacher. The continuous evaluation results through assignments, weekly activities, quizzes, discussion forums, etc. according to the teacher's choices. These activities are mandatory and limited in scope to facilitate distance learning.