Assessment and Examination Policy

His Senate PHILIPS University believes that an effective system of evaluating student performance is vital to academic standards and that such systems are conducive to the academic growth and well-being of students. The implementation of continuous assessment of students is just as important as their written assessment at the end of the semester.

Students should be assessed fairly and the assessment should be consistent with the teaching objectives and learning outcomes of the course. Student assessment procedures must be well documented, widely known, presented to the student early, and applied in a timely and fair manner.

Since student achievement is closely related to the teaching methods adopted, these methods are evaluated. The University ensures that students receive the maximum benefit from their educational experiences.

Students are also encouraged to play a key role in evaluating the teaching methodology used. At least once a year, students are asked to evaluate the performance and effectiveness of their professors.

The exams are held at the University. Exam guidelines are issued periodically.

Each School applies a policy of anonymous marking of written exams. Students declare their student ID number on the exam forms. They are also required to complete the entry form and provide information in case of lost papers or fraud.

The University applies the principle of continuous assessment in every course. The teacher evaluates the students' performance in a specific course in at least two different ways. One must be the final exam, and the percentage of participation of the final exam in the final grade cannot exceed 70% of the score of the final grade. The teacher gives the students the course diagram in writing, in which the objectives, the teaching material, the bibliography and the way of evaluating the course are written. 

Each Department is responsible for communicating course schedules to students. This, however, does not relieve the student of the responsibility to inform himself of the assessment requirements by referring to the relevant publications. Students who do not fulfill the course requirements by the scheduled completion date and do not have a documented extension accompanied by all supporting documents, fail the course.

Awarding a grade is the exclusive right of the instructor. A change in grade from a lecturer is possible only in exceptional cases and only with the written approval of the Department Chair and the Faculty Dean.
The grading system of the courses is numerical. The score ranges from 0 to 100. The minimum pass mark is a score of fifty (50).

Philips University uses the following grading system:

  Degree    Rating Description  Quality Score
  A       85 – 100%    Successful                  4.00
  B+     80 – 84%    Successful                  3.60
  B       75 – 79%    Successful                  3.30
  B-      70 – 74%    Successful                  3.00
  C+      65 – 69%    Successful                  2.60
  C        60 – 64%    Successful                  2.50
  C-       55 – 59%    Successful                  2.00
  D        50 – 54%    Successful                  1.00
  AN     Below 50%    Unsuccessful                Nothing
  English   Unfinished    No credits                Nothing
  AKR    Listener    No credits                Nothing
  EEG    Abandonment    No credits                Nothing

Note: To calculate the Final Grade Point Average (GPA) we divide the total quality score
with all credits

Student papers are graded according to the following grading scale: A, B+, B-, C+, C, C-, D or AN. The minimum passing grade in a course is D (50%). The symbol AN (Unsuccessful) means that students are not entitled to any credit.

Students who, for any reason, have not completed the requirements in a particular course do not receive credit for the course. The (ANL) symbol does not affect the Final Weighted Average. The designation ANL (Incomplete) indicates that an examination was not taken or that part of the work requirements were not completed during the specified time frame. The work should be completed within the next semester. The teacher and the students agree on the time frame of the work, so that the course does not remain incomplete. The name "AKP" indicates that students attend the course as "listeners". Students who wish to attend a course regularly but do not wish to receive a grade or credits may enter the room under "listener" status, provided there is sufficient space and consent from the Department.

Grades posted at the end of the semester are final grades and cannot be changed even if additional work is submitted. Students wishing to improve their grades must repeat the course(s) prior to graduation.

Students wishing to withdraw from Philips University should make initial contact with their Academic Advisor. The official letter will state the date of withdrawal from the University and the designation EGC (no credits) will appear alongside each course.

End-of-semester exam results contribute to the 70% grade. 30% grade is based on course participation (continuous assessment). If the assessment of a course is based solely on the completion of assignments, students must achieve the minimum passing grade, 50%. The provisions of the internal regulations apply for all other cases.

  • students who score below 50%, but not below 40%, in a course in any semester may pass the course with a reduction, considering their overall performance.
  • the reduction mechanism cannot be applied when students are required to re-examine one or more assignments.
  • students must pass theses in years 3 and 4 regardless of other subjects.
  • students with a grade lower than 50% in Thesis and who have not benefited from the retraction mechanism can submit a new Thesis up to two years after the date of submission of the original Thesis. In the event that a revised plan is submitted for examination during the autumn examination of the same year, the examiners may, at their discretion, decide not to invite the candidate to an oral examination.

Students will have the possibility to retake the subjects they failed in one or more cases of examination period, when a retake was not used. They must achieve a score of 50% in all review subjects. Students who pass a course they previously failed are credited with the retake grade. Students who do not achieve a grade of 50% in a course assessed solely by assignments are referred to retake the course. With the approval of the head of the Department, students are given the opportunity to complete the course with an exam or additional work.

Results are deferred until satisfactory completion of thesis, for students in 4th year who have passed all subjects but not yet passed thesis. Students have only two attempts to complete the thesis.


Upon completion and graduation from their degree program, students should:

  • have successfully completed at least 240 European Credit Units (ECTS) for their undergraduate studies or 90 units for their postgraduate studies
  • have successfully completed their exams
  • have completed the necessary European Credit Units (ECTS) from core courses and electives
  • have achieved a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.00 over the past four years.

Undergraduate Degrees are classified as follows:

Only courses graded with a grade of 50% or higher are taken into account for the calculation of the Grade Point Average (GPA).

Courses counted as a total must cover the required credits. This includes all subjects that students have passed, even if they have passed more subjects than their program of study requires.
Students wishing to improve their grades in a course in which they were graded at least 50% must retake. Re-examination is allowed only once. The detailed score sheet shows the latest grade.

An incomplete grade is only given in exceptionally well-documented circumstances (certified medical or personal reasons). The procedure for grading an incomplete course is as follows:

  • the teacher fills in the form and the student addresses the department's Council and the Studies and Student Affairs Service. The form must be approved by the Department Chair.
  • a completion date for the course requirements is provided, which cannot be later than the end of the following semester.
  • if the course requirements are not completed by the due date, the grade is zero (0).

Thesis Grading

The evaluation and rating of a diploma thesis that is completed in two or more semesters is done as follows:

  • at the end of each semester and within the deadline for completion of the thesis, the supervisor registers a written evaluation of the student's progress in the Department. The evaluation is communicated to the Student. They are rated satisfactory or unsatisfactory.
  • the preparation and evaluation of the thesis are subject to the regulations established by the Department Council and approved by the Faculty Council.
  • the final grade of the dissertation is delivered within the deadline specified.
  • the detailed score of all courses, as well as possible failures, withdrawals or exemptions from courses, are recorded in the final detailed score sheet. The weighting of the grade of each course in Credit Units (ECTS) is indicated in the Department's study guide and in the detailed report card. In addition, each graduate is granted a free Diploma Supplement in English.
  • in case of failure in a compulsory course, the student is obliged to repeat it. In case of failure in an elective course, the student is entitled to repeat the same course. Failure in any course is recorded on the student's semester and final report cards, but not in the Diploma Supplement.
  • at the end of each semester, all departments enter the final grade of the courses with codes. The final grade is posted to the Director of Student Affairs and Student Welfare 7 days after the completion of the exam or in the case of a course attended by more than 50 students, the final grades will be posted 10 days after the completion of the exam. In the event that Departments participate in the Department Council grade approval process, any grade changes should be submitted to the University's Student Affairs and Student Affairs within a 10-day timeframe.

The Senate validates the grades of graduates and the awarding of degrees.