School of Legal Sciences

Department of Law

Legal Science, an integral part of the social sciences, is not limited to the ungrateful role of a research system of the current or pre-existing positive law, but seeks the social conditions that govern the evolution of law. The studies in the Department of Law aim to equip students from Cyprus, Greece and other countries with the necessary knowledge of the various branches of Law, familiarize them with Legal thinking and make them capable of successfully interpreting and applying legal provisions. Furthermore, the students of the Department will acquire thorough learning of the basic theoretical knowledge and concepts of Legal Science, the handling of reasoning and critical thinking, legal techniques and legal terminology and methodology such as the legal essay, text commentary, decision commentary, analysis of legal documents, as well as and they will develop in an excellent way the written and oral legal discourse. The department is made up of an excellent Academic Staff and aims to offer students a comprehensive education in the science of law by providing the possibilities for further research and specialization in branches and areas of this science. It thus aspires to offer society reliable interpreters and practitioners of the law, responsible professionals-executives of public life and above all useful and inspired defenders of the law. Finally, graduates will acquire knowledge, skills and abilities, which enable them to successfully attend postgraduate study programs at Universities in Cyprus, Greece and abroad.