23rd Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology (6-9 September, 2023 0 Florence, Italy)

23rd Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology (6-9 September, 2023 0 Florence, Italy)

From 6th to 9th of September, the 23rd annual conference of the European Society of Criminology took place in Florence, Italy, under the subject “The renaissance of european criminology”. Ass. Professor of Criminal Law at Philips University Dr. Fotios Spyropoulos (PostDoc) participated in the conference by presenting “Digital Criminology, Technoethics and Artificial Intelligence” regulation issues at a session chaired by the Indian Professor Sanjeev P. Sahni (Jindal Institute of Behavioral Sciences) and “Personal  Data Protection, A.I. and Criminal Justice System” at a session chaired be Giulio Soanna from the Catholique University of Leuven and the Leuven Institute of Criminology (Belgium). Ass. Prof. Spyropoulos has also discussed with the Executive Secretary of the European Society of Criminology Prof. Marcelo Aebi his participation at the organization of the 25th annual conference of the European Society of Criminology that will take place in Greece in 2025.
At the opening of the European Society of Criminology conference in Florence with the Executive Secretary of the European Society of Criminology Professor Marcelo F. Aebi, Professor of Criminology in Lisbon Mesquita Tiago, Associate Professor of Internet Criminology at the University of Portsmouth Vassilis Karagiannopoulos and colleagues at the Center Study of Crime Dr. Anastasia Chalkia, Martha Lempesi and Evi Androulaki.
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